Harness the Power of Affirmations to Skyrocket Your Author Career

As a writer, you probably already know you need to be in the right frame of mind to create your best work. That’s why it’s important to take care of your mental health and nurture your creativity. One powerful tool for boosting your writing mindset is affirmations.

I've known about affirmations and used them for many years, but I never thought to apply them to my writing until about two years ago. I had been feeling down about my writing, and I was a little angry with myself for not having done better. When I get angry, I take action, so I wrote some writing-specific affirmations, chose the one I liked best, then started using it every day.

During the year I focused on that writing affirmation, I wrote more than I had in the four previous years combined. As affirmations may feel a little woo woo, I know they work for me, and I'm going to show you how they can work for you too!  

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that describe an outcome or belief you want to achieve or maintain in order to improve your life. When used effectively, they can help you create a more positive mindset and encourage personal growth. By repeating these statements regularly, they will become part of your subconscious mind and eventually become part of who you are. This is why affirmations are so powerful—they can literally reprogram our brains! 

I've learned about affirmations from a number of different sources, but if you want a deep-dive into the science of how and why affirmations work and how to create your own affirmations, I recommend the book Train Your Brain by Dana Wilde. The book is geared toward entrepreneurs, but the information is useful for anyone. Plus, as writers, we're entrepreneurs too!

How Can Affirmations Help Writers? 

Affirmations can be incredibly helpful for writers, because they allow us to reframe our thoughts from negative and self-defeating ones to positive and encouraging ones. If you’re struggling with writer’s block or feeling down about a project not going as planned, using an affirmation can shift your perspective and motivate you to keep going.

It’s also important to note that affirmations don’t only have to be used when we feel discouraged. You can use affirmations as mantras during times when you feel inspired as well. For example, if you want to write something but don't know where to start, repeating “I am a creative writer capable of producing amazing work” can help jumpstart the process. 

Affirmations can also be used as a way of instilling confidence in yourself as an author by reminding yourself how talented you are. Repeating statements such as “I am valuable and my ideas matter" or "My words will make an impact" could give you the motivation needed to tackle difficult projects or even launch a successful author career.

Three Keys to Creating an Affirmation You'll Want to Use

Creating an affirmation that you want to use is key. After all, if you don't like the affirmations you create, chances are you won't stick with them. Here are three things to keep in mind when crafting your own affirmations:


Affirmations should be written as if you are already doing the thing you want to achieve. For example, if you're feeling bad about your writing, you could use the affirmation, "I'm a talented writer." This is a much stronger statement than, "I will be a talented writer" or "I'm becoming a talented writer."


I have a terrible memory, so I like to keep my affirmations short and simple. That way, I can easily remember them and repeat them to myself whenever I want. The more you repeat affirmations, the better they work.


Craft an affirmation that feels authentic and realistic. It should be something you can realistically believe right now, not something you have to work up to. If the affirmation doesn't feel right to you, then you shouldn't be using it. Affirmations should make you feel happy and create joy around working towards your goals.

If you repeat an affirmation to yourself and it makes you want to say, "Yeah, right" in response, then that's not the right affirmation for you. Your affirmations should make you want to dance around the room.

Pro tip: Dancing around the room while singing your affirmation will make it work even better for you because of the positive vibes you're generating!

Turning Your Negative Writing Thoughts Around

No offense, but writers can be a sad bunch sometimes, when you consider all the terrible things we tell ourselves. Let's look at some common writerly thoughts and see if we can turn them around using affirmations.

I never have enough time to write.

Wasn’t it Henry Ford who said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right”? If you always think and feel like you don’t have time to write, you won’t. Here are some affirmations to try instead of thinking you never have time to write:

  • I make time and space to write.

  • I have plenty of time for writing.

  • I find the time to write.

My writing isn't good enough.

Well, hello, imposter syndrome. Ugh, who hasn’t felt this way before? If it’s you, then please tell me your secret! When I find myself thinking this way, here’s what say instead:

  • I write stories people want to read.

  • My words are powerful.

  • My writing has value.

I don't know how to start editing my work.

I know writers who have completed a first draft then done nothing with it because the editing process overwhelms them. When it comes to self-editing, here are some affirmations to try:

  • I’m a competent editor.

  • I embrace the editing process.

  • My writing improves with every edit.

I'll never find an agent.

Oh, the woes of querying and getting silence or rejections in response. I feel this pain, for sure. Try saying one of these affirmations instead:

  • The perfect agent is waiting for me to query them.

  • Agents recognize my talent and value my work.

  • My writing stands out from the crowd.

Nobody is buying my book.

Many writers don’t feel equipped to market their books. That’s understandable since we learned to write, not to market. I believe any skill can be learned. Here are some affirmations to try when you want to sell your book:

  • My readers love my book and spread the word.

  • People recognize the value of my work.

  • My book finds its perfect readers.

As you may have guessed, affirmations aren't a quick fix. This is a practice that takes time and dedication to see the benefits, but you're a writer and you already know all about persistence and patience!

Using affirmations is an effective way for writers of all skill levels to stay motivated and confident while tackling difficult projects or launching their author careers. Not only do affirmations help reframe negative thoughts into positive ones, but they also instill confidence by reminding you how talented and capable you are.

So next time you're feeling overwhelmed by a project or discouraged by your progress, take some time out for yourself and repeat some affirming mantras—you might be surprised at just how much they impact your mindset!

Michelle Cornish is an author and illustrator with a passion for positive thinking. As a former CPA, Michelle recognizes being an author is not like being an accountant where there is a clear path to earning a living. But with the right mindset, you can live your writing dreams!

Michelle is the creator of Author Affirmations—a card deck just for authors with affirmations on one side of the card and visual writing prompts on the other.