Journaling to Let Go of Worry and Cultivate Optimism

Journaling to Let Go of Worry and Cultivate Optimism

This post was previously published on the site Create Write Now and is republished with permission from Create Write Now and Mari McCarthy.


I was born a worrier into a long line of worriers. As a child, I’d often lie awake at night, terrified that burglars would break into my house, or that I’d fail the upcoming test at school the next day. Now that I have a home and children of my own, I fret about the dozens of details required to keep our lives humming along, from packing lunches to meeting urgent deadlines at work.

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Tips for Journaling from Mari McCarthy

Tips for Journaling from Mari McCarthy

After she lost the feeling in the right side of her body due to Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Mari McCarthy turned to journaling when she learned about Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages through The Artist’s Way. By developing a daily journaling practice, Mari was able to regain feeling on her right side and currently needs zero medication to control her MS. 

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